Friday 11 September 2015

H e a l t h y H o w T o: C h o c o l a t e B a n o f f e e M u d M i l k s h a k e

A delicious thick, sweet, chocolatey banoffee inspired milkshake. Healthy, you say? Oh yes! Believe it or not this baby is gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, completely vegan and packed with incredibly healthy ingredients. The oats and chia seeds will give you a great dose of fibre, aswell as a generous burst of protein from the almond butter and soy milk. To make this milkshake matter even more heavenly - it will only take you around one minute to whip up - and I'm about to tell you how you perform such wizardry. Simply add the ingredients into the food processor and blend. Just like that! The above measurements should make around two servings.

This chocolate banoffee mud milkshake will do wonderfully as breakfast, an easy snack on the go or to indulge your chocolate cravings. If like me, the thought of wasting even a smidgen of chocolate milkshake is severely upsetting then do make sure to grab a spoon and scoop up every last drop! Super healthy, tasty AND easy, what are you waiting for? Go, go go!

What are your favourite dairy free milkshakes? Do you know of any desert inspired milkshakes? Please comment below if so, or if you decide to give this a go! Thank you for reading!


  1. Congratulations on your New Blog - it will be the best decision you will have ever made, stick with it! xx

    1. Thank you so much Carly! We're going to be going blog crazy haha it's good fun, and feels rewarding publishing posts!

      Anna and Katie


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